21 April 2008

The first post


I am Gonky. No, that is not my real name.

I have decided to start a blog today, with the goal of creating the lamest blog on planet Earth. Why am I doing this? I have no clue. I generally think blogs are pretty silly. To think that complete strangers would want to read what someone types into a blog is a bit narcissistic to me, but plenty of people actually do this, so I figure, what the hell. I'm no less narcissistic than any of these other fools, right?

This blog will - for the time being - remain anonymous. I see no need to let anyone know who I am. Apart from the fact that it is a tremendous source of information (both real and fictitious), the internet generally creeps me out, and it makes no sense to publish my identity here (or anywhere, really). My sister in law let someone post video of her kids dancing on You Tube. I thought this was completely messed.

In any event, I will invariably drop hints here and there as to my identity. So, let it be a fun little game for you (whoever you are) to figure out who I am. Or not. It really makes no difference.

I will, from time to time, post on matters of my own personal interest. I will not post on a schedule. In fact, I will likely forget about this blog for weeks at a time. Why? A blog cannot suck if the author pays regular attention to it. Remember, I really want this blog to suck. If you pick up any kernels of wisdom from me through this blog, you are a goof and you need to form your own opinion about matters that interest you. Seriously.

I will do my best not to be mean or nasty to anyone. I am generally not a mean person. However, I am cynical as f*ck. That may come across now and again. If you take offense to my cynicism, that is your issue - not mine. This blog will be nothing if not honest.

Oh - and a word about profanity. If occasional profanity offends you, please go somewhere else (whoops - little late on that heads-up, no?). I do understand that "f*ck" is an unpleasant word to some. However, there are times where the situation is only properly served by resorting to calling it "f*cked" or "f*cked-up". A lesser word will not do. For example, Chad Johnson is f*cked-up. Now I have to burn that jersey in my closet. Many thanks, you dill-weed.

Well, methinks that is enough for the time being. Cheers, and enjoy your day.

And no, I do not actually think anyone will read this. Duh...


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