22 April 2008


The Pennsylvania primary is finally upon us. Thank god, right? I've gotten sick and tired of listening to Hillary.

This Obama's first and best chance to end this thing. Even a moderate victory in Pennsylvania (5-10 points) should be enough to push Hillary out of the race once and for all. Don't get me wrong, I'm generally a fan of the Clintons. Ok, not both of them. Specifically Bill. He is the first President I voted for, I voted for him twice, and I haven't voted for President since (until this year). Initially, I loved the thought of Bill being back in the White House, running the show behind the scenes, throwing kick-ass parties, banging interns, turning that place into a frat house again, generally creating havoc, etc. But voting for Hillary is too much of a price to pay for that.

Obama has been a breath of fresh air. People forget that this guy sounds a lot like Bill did 16 years ago. And since Bill was the unofficial first black President, we don't need to worry about that aspect of the race here. To me, there's not a goddamn thing wrong with having hope in our presidential candidates, hope in the system, hope for a new day. Yes, it's probably grossly naive to think that this guy will end up being any different than anyone else, but if you take that approach, you're going to be jaded and pissed off at both the process and the result. Life is too short to be pissed off all the time (to quote Edward Furlong in American History X - and yes that's the last time I'll quote that dope, and its probably the first time he's ever been quote).

So anyway, if you're a believer in this, or if you just want to believe (Mulder), bang this a few times and pitch in.


1 comment:

The Eye of Error said...

I don't come to you blog to negatively criticize your work. So leave your pissant comments off of mine.